Sunday, March 27, 2011

happy 50th

it's a friend of mine's 50th birthday today. 50. what a big number. i remember thinking i'd never be 50 and that of course happened regardless of what i thought. what's amazing is that it didn't take very long to get  to 50.

each decade represents something different for each of us. my teens were spent exploring boundaries and pushing them. in my 20s i found out how much i love working - while balancing it with a ridiculous amount of running around. my 30s stabilized my life with marriage and zach. and my 40s kept me in love with being a mom, led me to a career i never expected to find, and brought me back to a place i didn't think i'd ever want to revisit, let alone care about as much as i do. and that brings me to my 50s and wondering what this decade holds. even faced with so much change that's happened recently and more to come in the next few years, there is a new sense of calm. yeah, yeah, i know...calm, shmalm...i can laugh harder and cry more easily than ever. so much for the calm.

so with that...tom, i wish for you to remember:
it's a new year. 
with untold opportunities.
enjoy it all...each and every minute.
wishing you a very happy birthday.

wwcd: maybe i'll save the calm for my 60s 

1 comment:

  1. wow - thank you casper!!!!! that's beautiful. i so appreciate the thoughts. speaking of thoughts, i've been thinking:

    I feel a bit like a tree. Been around a long time. Don't look much different than I did 10 years ago. Stiff winds blow & knock down the smaller saplings but I'm still standing. If you chop off a few branches, it'll only make me stronger. I give shade and shelter to a lot of critters.

    that's my thought for the day. now i'm done thinking and i'm gonna go enjoy some calm shmalm.


