Sunday, September 12, 2010

it doesn't take very much

my friend stephanie recommended a documentary on hbo called a small act. i dvred it, but it took me a while to find time to watch it. this morning seemed like the perfect, quiet time to give it my undivided attention. stephanie knew this film would be something i would want to see. a film that captures so much of what i believe - that it doesn't take grand gestures to make a difference in someone's life.

if everyone made the decision to make a difference in someone's life, how powerful would that be? a small act is about a swedish woman named hilde back and how her small, anonymous act of sponsoring a young, kenyan student made a difference. that young man, chris mburu, went on to graduate from college and harvard law school to become a human rights lawyer. but what goes around comes around. in 2001, chris started his own scholarship program to help kenyan children to complete primary and secondary school, named for his benefactor, hilde back education fund

many of us think change is about the big gestures and if you're not able to make those big gestures, the small ones don't make a difference. hilde's act proves that wrong. the small act can be something personal -- making a difference at home with your family, at work, at school, your neighborhood. or you can be anonymous and make a difference in another part of the world. at home or across an ocean, there is great need.

wwcd: i've never given my time or money and not gotten back more


  1. from aunt judy:
    i try everyday to live that life. it is something that is so easy to do. sometimes it will just be a smile and a "good morning"...what a small thing to do. the reaction is well worth it. a beautiful smile on that friend, strangers face. I make no exceptions...could be the maintenance man sweeping my garage, the stranger passing by, the staff at the front desk, mailman. the response is so genuine. sometimes the reaction can be one of no reaction and that's fine. I felt great. sometimes I am ignored and cost nothing to be kind. just reach out and there is always someone needing a hug or a smile.
    I love saying, "have a great day"

  2. Was just reading a great article by the author Joyce Maynard about her decision at age 55 to adopt two girls (ages 9 and 12) -- though inspired, I know that is not the right course for me....but Hilde's story is both resonating and feasible. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Oh! I just now saw this post. I got a shout out! :) I love that you saw this film and that it touched you so. This is one of those docs that I feel so many need to see - whether to wake them up, to motivate, or just to inspire to keep going in the passions that they believe in. As you and Aunt Judy stated, even the smallest act DOES make a difference. Remember to the other person on the receiving end, it could be the biggest act.

    I love the lead in on their website:

    "Each of us has the ability to create change. Each of us has the power to do something small. As seen in the film, one small act can ripple out to affect countless lives. So what can you do? What’s your small act?"
