Monday, October 11, 2010

bio sat ii

i've got 3 posts i'm writing at once and this is the least emotional topic. and since this so completely emotional, you can imagine what the other 2 must be like...

even though it's odd to think about and even talk about, college is looming. not for me, but for zach. i know, he's just started high school and has 4 amazing years ahead of him, but it seems that for all his school's efforts to suppress college talk, it's happening everywhere with students and parents. sats, sat iis, acts, tutors, applications, course choices, classroom chatter, and on and on.

and yesterday it all became a little more real. one of his substitute math teachers talked to the kids about the bio sat ii. this is the one i've heard about for the last several years - if zach is good at science, have him take the sat ii after 9th grade bio and one test is done. so the substitute confirmed this and then recommended signing up for the june test now.

now? you mean like right now, today? that leads me to my introduction to the college experience. i set up an account with's official...he's official. i didn't bother filling in the parts about gpas, interests, courses...that seemed a bit premature, but i did sign up for the sat question of the day. i'm 2 for 2 and feel like i'm ready to take them again. i'd probably enjoy the process now much more than i did in the 70s. but luckily for me, it's zach's turn. and, fortunately for zach, he's better suited to the whole process.

wwcd: if you're on a train that's traveling south at 50 miles per hour, how long... 

1 comment:

  1. from aunt judy:
    As long as it took me to read the train was travelling...............
    was all I had to read....not my happy frame of reference. I will literally go into a panic attack from all the memories of the tests u referred to. this entire subject is completely over my head. Zach is in excellent hands - he will excel, you will kvell.
