Monday, October 4, 2010

tolerate this?

what's been interesting to me since i began writing this blog last october is how the tone of it changes. it seems to depend on the news or my mood. it also depends on how brave i'm feeling at that moment.  this blog can make me feel very vulnerable. putting my thoughts out there on this page, facebook, twitter or linkedin puts me out there in a way that takes me out of my comfort zone. i know, so why do i do it? i like the challenge it presents.

i enjoy the days when i feel so strongly about a topic that i don't hold back and over think what i write. having conviction about something....anything makes me feel human. i don't understand apathy, indifference or mental laziness. i don't understand not having an opinion. you either like it or don't, think it's right or wrong, believe in it or not. i love the gray areas in discussion, but not too much of it it in a final decision.

i don't understand why more people aren't outraged by the suicide of tyler clementi and with all of these news stories about bullying. why more people don't stand up and say - i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to take this anymore - is beyond me. bullying or discrimination should not be tolerated and as long as people accept it and don't say anything....well, it will continue and more lives or souls are put in jeopardy.

ellen degeneres has put herself out there again and hopefully more people will follow her lead. you don't have to be famous, you just have to care.

wwcd: i'm mad as hell and i'm not going to tolerate this anymore


  1. Sometimes when we are living in our cocooned world, we forget that this disturbing and violent (yes, bullying is violent) behavior continues. About 2 years ago, the school that my friend's daughter attends had their year end graduation. The valedictorian? A seventh grader boy. Who happened to be gay - and "out" (how I hate that term) The parents knew since he was about 5 - the school knew. Wasn't a big deal. He was appointed valedictorian because he was smart.

    And we think This is so great! This generation of kids are amazing, they aren't going to have these prejudices...

    Just yesterday, I had a conversation with a Doctor friend who has fantasized about leaving the big city and his practice and moving to his hometown in the midewest to practice there. But, he said he would have to go back "in the closet" because 28 years after he left, it is still a very conservative town. This devastated him.

    And then there was this from Boyd M Packer the second largest Mormon Leader who decided now was a good time to talk about the evils of homosexuality. There's a lovely video here:

    AND for the LAST time, it is NOT a "Lifestyle" Sheesh!

    And if you do know anyone who is dealing with or struggling - The Trevor Project is a great place to start for parents and children alike.

  2. btw, I just re-read my post, and to clarify: my lifestyle comment was not directed at Casper, but at the people who think when you are gay, that it is a choice of a "lifestyle".
    Examples of a lifestyle: I'm going to vacation at a nudist colony. Or, I am going to go on the paleolithic diet, or I only fly private and date men with hundy's in the bank. Those are lifestyle CHOICES.

  3. from aunt judy...

    bullies learn not only on the streets, but unfortunately they hear it at home. how sad, because the hatred, the bulling is not how we are born. most of us are so very sad when we read about,and see on TV the hatred that one person can have for another. I heard Ellen today address the won't help...... it is a condition that will never go away. it is the same sickness we face with the hatred for blacks and the morons that believe the holocaust never happened. not in our lifetime will this evilness be eradicated. actually, we are witnessing the re-birth of many old hatreds....the church, the Vatican, the schools. any education to eradicate, to enlighten is no longer a viable happening. how very sad. how very frightening.
