Sunday, March 7, 2010

changing it up for 100

i'm 6 posts away from hitting 100 and i want to update the look of this page. it feels like it's time for a change. for those of you who started reading it from the beginning, you might remember the black background before i changed it to the current blue. i've really liked the's calming to look at while reading, but it feels dark now. maybe it's that spring is in the air. this weekend in ny was beautiful, perfect blue skies and warmer weather. 

i spent so much time outdoors today that falling asleep early will not be an option. i walked 7 miles again today and could have spent even more time in the park. and now i'm getting ready to watch the oscars - am still watching the snarky e red carpet show (but did see maria in her red dress walking with michael!). i'm hoping i can stay up, but think the dvr will work overtime tonight and i'll catch up tomorrow. i don't need to experience this live. omg it's only 8pm and i'm ready to get into bed right now!

but back to the face lift for this page. on the wwcd facebook page i started a wwyd (what would you do) section. still working out how best to use it, but would love your thoughts on the look of this page. i'm thinking white background with orange or turquoise type. totally open to and would love to hear your thoughts and comments. 

wwyd: either let me know which movie you want for best picture or what color you want for this page


  1. I like the blue and I enjoy reading your post..Sometimes it makes me wish we still lived near each other and that I lived in NYC...I do miss the city...and you !!!!

  2. Experiment with the colors that appeal to you! It is easy enough to change and change again, right? Readability is the only other important factor besides fun for YOU. As a reader, I look for your meanings and those come in many colors!
