Tuesday, July 6, 2010

starting 51 tomorrow

to all of my friends who are freaked out about age - your current age or a future one - i can tell you that as a whole person, the best is yet to come. and this is coming from someone who had a very good time in my 20s, 30s and 40s. and even though my 40s were filled with challenges, not having anything to do with my age, i still found time for a little fun.

if we really look back at our earlier life and peel back the layers, i know i'd find an insecure, responsible, outgoing, in love, shy, friendly, anxious, lovelorn, determined, doubting, confident young woman who wanted nothing more than to be happy. trying new things, getting emotionally hurt, smiling and meaning it, overcoming challenges, meeting new people, forgiving your family and also doing some stupid things - isn't this what growing up is all about?

i've enjoyed the very good times and suffered through the not so good times in my life, but i wouldn't trade in one of the bad times because that's where the life lessons live. all of those cumulative life lessons have brought me to 51 and a place of comfort, compassion and resilience. 

wwcd: if getting older means accepting yourself, thinking about others and being able to move on from a difficult situation, sign up


  1. Nice. I hope you have a terrific feeling of being appreciated as yourself. Your life experience adds to the human story ... and speaking for those of us around here at the same time as you are, well, we're happy about that!

    Yes, perhaps getting older just might mean "accepting yourself, thinking about others and being able to move on from a difficult situation."

  2. from Aunt Judy:
    Everything u experienced, everything u realized, everything you have become because of all those experiences has given us a 51 year young Casper...........today....u arriving at a very young 51, and me who a few months ago looked back on my 76 years of experiences , arrived at the very same conclusion....I have always said, "THE BEST IS YET TO COME.... I embrace every day as a new happening...a new experience.....Have a wonderful new experience ......today, tomorrow, and all the days ahead.....XOXO Judy

  3. So true, and confirms itself with every passing day...isn't that great?!
